Bad sectors on hard drives (Hardisk Bad Sector)
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Bad sektor yang terjadi pada hardisk secara umum terbagi atas 2 bagian yaitu kerusakan secara fisik dan kerusakan secara software atau juga dikenal dengan istilah Bad block dan bad sector.
Bad sectors on hard drives that occur are generally divided into two parts, namely the physical damage and damage to software or also known as Bad blocks and bad sectors
Kalau kerusakan hardisk secara fisik itu dikarenakan terkena debu terlalu banyak, jatuh, terkena benturan yang sangat keras dan lain sebagainya sehingga merusak komponen perangkat kerasnya.
Sedangkan kerusakan hardisk secara software itu dikarenakan saat hardisk tersebut sedang bekerja tiba-tiba komputer anda mati, misal karena mati listrik.
Nah sekarang ada beberapa tools yang dapat digunakan saat mengalami kejadian hardisk bad sektor, secara software kita dapat menggunakan tools berikut ini :
A. HDD Low Level Format Tool
Aplikasi Low Level Format ini adalah berfungsi untuk menghapus secara permanen semua data, partisi dan informasi bad sektor yang ada dalam hardisk tersebut. Setelah anda menjalankan aplikasi Low level format ini,hardisk akan bersih total seperti saat anda menggunakan hardisk ini pertama kali. Catatan : sebelum anda menjalankan Low level format ini sebelumnya anda harus mem-backup dulu data-data yang sekiranya penting. tool ini bisa juga menghapus secara permanen data-data pribadi atau data rahasia anda.
Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan HDD Low Level Format :
- Download dulu Program HDD Low Level Format di atau cari di google juga banyak situs-situs software yang menyediakan download tool ini.
- Install dan jalankan program HDD Low Level Format
- Pilih Hardisk yang akan di-Format, kemudian klik Continue..
- Klik pada Low Level Format, klik format This Device..
- Tunggu hingga selesai, biasanya waktu yang diperlukan cukup lama.
Dibawah ini adalah gambar pada langkah ke 3 dan ke 4 :
![Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Picture Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Image](
Catatan : kalau bisa anda menggunakan Komputer (PC) lain dan di-jadikan hardsik Slave bukan master primary atau jadikan Hardisk Eksternal kalau punya kabel Usb IDE untuk Hardisk IDE atau kalau anda menggunakan Hardisk SATA pakai saja casing hardisk SATA yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kabel usbnya tinggal colokkan ke-komputer (PC).
![Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Picture Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Image](
B. Recovery Software dari beberapa Vendor hardsik
Vendor hardisk yang mengeluarkan software untuk melakukan analisa dan maintenance hardisk, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :
- Fujitsu IDE Low level Format Utilities Software ini untuk memperbaiki hardisk bad sector untuk hardisk merek Fujitsu dan anda bisa download disini atau kesini
- Seagate’s Seatools for Windows dan Seagate’s Seatools for DOS tools ini dari vendor Seagate’s yang dapat digunakan untuk mem-format hardisk merek seagate, maxtor atau dari beberapa vendor hardisk lainnya dan anda bisa download langsung di
- Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics sama juga fungsinya yaitu untuk mem-format hardisk juga, terutama hardisk merek western. Anda bisa download di
![Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Picture Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Image](
C. Bad Block atau kerusakan secara fisik pada hardisk
Sebelumnya Periksa hardisk anda lewat Bios apakah terdeteksi oleh Bios atau tidak, kalau Terbaca berarti itu kerusakan hanya pada Software hardsik dan anda bisa gunakan tools yang sudah di bahas diatas serta mengikuti langkah-langkahnya, apabila tidak terbaca sama sekali maka logikanya secara software saja tidak bisa di-deteksi oleh Bios apalagi di-Format, tentu tidak bisa.
![Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Picture Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Image](
Berarti Perangkat keras didalam hardisk ada beberapa yang sudah tidak berfungsi atau mengalami kerusakan dibagian vitalnya, mungkin saja motherboadnya atau piringan magnetnya rusak yang disebabkan jatuh, benturan keras dan lain sebagainya.
![Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Picture Cara Memperbaiki Hardisk Bad Sector Image](
Menurut pengalaman kerusakan secara fisik yang paling parah pada hardisk adalah piringan magnetnya. Hal ini bisa diatasi dengan langkah-langkah berikut ini :
- Bungkus hardisk anda dengan rapat menggunakan kain (kalau bisa jangan terlalu tebal dan jangan juga terlalu tipis) jatuhkan ke atas kasur atau ke atas karpet yang agak tebal, untuk menjatuhkan kira-kira tingginya 1 meter(bisa kurang dari 1 meter) dari atas kasur atau karpet selama 3 atau 4 kali (catatan : jangan dibanting keras) walaupun cara ini agak ekstream. Oke lanjut, setelah itu dicoba lagi dinyalakan hardisknya sudah ter-detect di-Bios apa belum, apabila terdeteksi (anda beruntung) langsung saja di-format, kalau belum tidak usah dipaksa.
- Langsung bawa ke-Ahlinya untuk memeriksa Kerusakan terjadi pada Motherboardnya atau piringannya bisa jadi keduanya.
Catatan: kalau motherboadnya yang rusak berarti masih bisa diselamatkan data-datanya dengan cara menggantikan dengan motherboard hardisk yang sesuai dengan hardisk anda, tapi apabila piringannya yang rusak maka anda siap-siap ganti hardisk baru.
Mudah-mudahan info ini bermanfaat.
Mudah-mudahan info ini bermanfaat.
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Bad sectors on hard drives that occur are generally divided into two parts, namely the physical damage and damage to software or also known as Bad blocks and bad sectors. If it's physically damaged hard drive due to too much dust, fell, hit by a very strong impact and so on and damage the hardware component.While damage to the hard drive is software that is because when the hard drive is working all of a sudden computer failure, eg due to power failure.Well now there are several tools that can be used when the sector experienced something bad hard drive, the software we can use the following tools:A. HDD Low Level Format ToolThis application is a Low Level Format function to permanently delete all data, partitions and bad sector information contained in the hard drive. After you run the application Low level format, the hard drive will net a total of like when you use this hard drive first.Note: before you run low level format it before you have to back up first in which if the data is important. This tool can also permanently delete personal data or your confidential data.The following are the steps to use the HDD Low Level Format:
Download first HDD Low Level Format Program in or search on google also many sites that provide software download tool.
Install and run the program HDD Low Level Format
Select the hard disk that you want to format, then click Continue ..
Click on a Low Level Format, click the Device This format ..
Wait until done, usually it takes quite a long time.Below is a picture in step 3 and 4:How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageHow to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageNote: if you can use a computer (PC) and the other is made hardsik primary master or slave not make external hard drives that have a USB cable for IDE HDD IDE or SATA hard drives if you use just use the SATA hard drive casing is equipped with a cable stayed usbnyaplug in the computer (PC).How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageB. Recovery Software from multiple vendors hardsikRemoving the hard drive software vendors to perform hard disk analysis and maintenance, include the following:
Fujitsu IDE Low level Format Software Utilities to fix bad sector hard drive to hard drive Fujitsu brand and you can download here or here
How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook Image
Seagate's Seatools for Windows and Seagate's Seatools for DOS tools from the vendor Seagate's which can be used to format the hard drive brands Seagate, Maxtor or from some other hard drive vendors and you can download directly in www.seagate.comCara Repair Hardisk Bad Sector Repair Hardisk ImageCara Bad Sector Image
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics as well as its function is to format the hard drive as well, especially the western brand of hard drive. You can download the How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageC. Bad Block or physically damage the hard driveCheck your hard drive before you pass the Bios is detected by the Bios or not, that means it's Read only damage to the Software hardsik and you can use the tools already discussed above and follow the steps, if not legible at all then the logic of the software alone can not be detected by Bios especially at-Format, certainly not.How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageHardware in the hard drive means there are some that are not functioning or damaged vital section, may be Motherboadnya or magnetic disc that is damaged due to fall, crash, and so forth.How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageAccording to the experience of physical damage is most severe on the hard disk is a magnetic disc. This can be overcome by following these steps:
Tightly wrap your hard disk using a cloth (preferably not too thick and not too thin) drop into the mattress or on the carpet a bit thick, to drop about 1 meter tall (can be less than 1 meter) from the mattress or carpet for 3 or 4 times (note: do not slam hard) although this is somewhat ekstream way. Okay information, then try again turned hardisknya was too in-Bios detect anything yet, if detected (lucky you) just in-format, if not do not have to be forced.
Directly brought to-Expert to inspect damage occurred on the motherboard or dishes can be both.Note: If the damaged Motherboadnya means can still be salvaged their data by replacing the motherboard hard drive according to your hard drive, but when the dishes are broken then you get ready to replace a new hard drive.Hopefully this info useful.
Download first HDD Low Level Format Program in or search on google also many sites that provide software download tool.
Install and run the program HDD Low Level Format
Select the hard disk that you want to format, then click Continue ..
Click on a Low Level Format, click the Device This format ..
Wait until done, usually it takes quite a long time.Below is a picture in step 3 and 4:How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageHow to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageNote: if you can use a computer (PC) and the other is made hardsik primary master or slave not make external hard drives that have a USB cable for IDE HDD IDE or SATA hard drives if you use just use the SATA hard drive casing is equipped with a cable stayed usbnyaplug in the computer (PC).How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageB. Recovery Software from multiple vendors hardsikRemoving the hard drive software vendors to perform hard disk analysis and maintenance, include the following:
Fujitsu IDE Low level Format Software Utilities to fix bad sector hard drive to hard drive Fujitsu brand and you can download here or here
How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook Image
Seagate's Seatools for Windows and Seagate's Seatools for DOS tools from the vendor Seagate's which can be used to format the hard drive brands Seagate, Maxtor or from some other hard drive vendors and you can download directly in www.seagate.comCara Repair Hardisk Bad Sector Repair Hardisk ImageCara Bad Sector Image
Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics as well as its function is to format the hard drive as well, especially the western brand of hard drive. You can download the How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageC. Bad Block or physically damage the hard driveCheck your hard drive before you pass the Bios is detected by the Bios or not, that means it's Read only damage to the Software hardsik and you can use the tools already discussed above and follow the steps, if not legible at all then the logic of the software alone can not be detected by Bios especially at-Format, certainly not.How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageHardware in the hard drive means there are some that are not functioning or damaged vital section, may be Motherboadnya or magnetic disc that is damaged due to fall, crash, and so forth.How to Fix Bad Sector Notebook ImageAccording to the experience of physical damage is most severe on the hard disk is a magnetic disc. This can be overcome by following these steps:
Tightly wrap your hard disk using a cloth (preferably not too thick and not too thin) drop into the mattress or on the carpet a bit thick, to drop about 1 meter tall (can be less than 1 meter) from the mattress or carpet for 3 or 4 times (note: do not slam hard) although this is somewhat ekstream way. Okay information, then try again turned hardisknya was too in-Bios detect anything yet, if detected (lucky you) just in-format, if not do not have to be forced.
Directly brought to-Expert to inspect damage occurred on the motherboard or dishes can be both.Note: If the damaged Motherboadnya means can still be salvaged their data by replacing the motherboard hard drive according to your hard drive, but when the dishes are broken then you get ready to replace a new hard drive.Hopefully this info useful.
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