Memperbaiki kesalahan error pada windows 7 menggunakan FixWin ( Fix error in windows 7 using FixWin )
Shobat adalah pengguna windows vista atau windows7 ? Pada awal penggunaan semuanya berjalan normal, namun lambat laun semakin lama bisa saja terjadi error atau kesalahan pada beberapa fitur windows 7. Beberapa fitur yang ada menjadi tidak bisa diakses seperti folder option menjadi hilang, icon recycle bin tidak ada, cd/dvd drive tidak muncul, Icon Internet explorer tidak muncul, dan fitur-fitur yang lain. Kesalahan atau error ini dapat disebabkan oleh aktivitas virus computer, malware, atau bisa juga karena perubahan yang diatur oleh user sendiri.
<Shobat are user windows vista or windows7? At the beginning everything went normal use, but gradually the longer it could have been error or mistake on some features of windows 7. Some of the features that have become inaccessible as a missing folder option, there is no recycle bin icon, cd / dvd drive does not appear, Icon Internet explorer does not show up, and other features. Mistake or error can be caused by the activity of computer viruses, malware, or it could be due to changes set by the user himself>
Dalam keadaan yang seperti ini (beberapa fitur menjadi disable), tentu shobat menginginkan agar windows 7 anda berjalan normal kembali seperti sedia kala. Dengan demikian semua aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan computer dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Untuk mengatasi error yang seperti itu, shobat bisa memperbaikinya sendiri walaupun shobat masih awam. Dengan bantuan software FixWin buatan ini shobat dapat memperbaiki kesalahan atau error yang terjadi pada windows 7 dengan sangat mudah. Yang perlu shobat lakukan adalah dengan memilih pilihan error kemudian klik Fix, maka software FixWin ini akan bekerja untuk shobat memperbaiki windows 7 yang mengalami error.
Software FixWin ini merupakan freeware dan berupa software portable yang hanya bekerja pada windows vista atau windows 7. Sedangkan pada windows xp tidak dapat berjalan. Untuk mendapatkannya shobat dapat mengunjungi halaman dari atau langsung download pada link dibawah. Fitur repair pada software FixWin diantaranya adalah :
Terdapat 7 fitur utama, yaitu Welcome, Windows explorer, Internet and Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools, Additional Fixes, dan About. Pada menu Welcome shobat disarankan untuk melakukan System File Checker Utility dan membuat system restore point. Pada menu Windows explorer beberapa diantaranya adalah Fix Recicle bin icon is missing from desktop, Reset atau fix Folder view settings to default, Enable to game explorer folder, enable folder options, fix show hidden files, folders and drives, dll. Pada menu Internet and connectivity diantaranya adalah fix internet option is missing, optimize internet explorer maximum connection, Fix run time error dialogs are appearing in internet explorer when surfing. Pada menu windows media fiturnya adalah Windows media player doesn’t start and an error message appears “ An internal application error has occurred”Reset windows Media library and fix library sync issues. Pada menu system tools beberapa fitur repair yang disediakan adalah Enable Task manager, enable command prompt, enable registry editor, enable MMC snap-ins, Reset system restore to default, Repair windows defender. Pada menu additional fixes beberapa fitur yang ada diantaranya Enable hibernate, fix corrupted desktop icon, Aero snap is not working dan lain sebagainya.
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Dengan bantuan software FixWin ini user akan mendapatkan kemudahan untuk memperbaiki windows vista atau windows 7 ketika terjadi error.
Shobat are user windows vista or windows7? At the beginning everything went normal use, but gradually the longer it could have been error or mistake on some features of windows 7. Some of the features that have become inaccessible as a missing folder option, there is no recycle bin icon, cd / dvd drive does not appear, Icon Internet explorer does not show up, and other features. Mistake or error can be caused by the activity of computer viruses, malware, or it could be due to changes set by the user himself.In circumstances like this (some features to disable), of shobat you want the windows 7 goes back to normal as usual. Thus all activities associated with the computer can run smoothly. To overcome such errors, shobat can fix it yourself though shobat still lay. With the help of this software shobat FixWin made to correct the error or errors that occur on windows 7 very easily. Shobat need to do is to select options and then click Fix error, then the software will work for this FixWin shobat fix windows 7 is in error.FixWin Software is freeware and is a portable software that only works on windows vista or windows 7. While on windows xp can not run. To get shobat can visit the pages of or direct download at the link below. FixWin repair feature on the software are:There are seven main features, namely Welcome, Windows Explorer, Internet and Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools, Additional Fixes, and About. On the Welcome menu shobat advised to perform a System File Checker Utility and create a system restore point. In the Windows explorer menu Fix some of which are Recicle bin icon is missing from the desktop, reset or fix the Folder view settings to default, Enable to games explorer folder, enable folder options, fix show hidden files, folders and drives, etc.. On the menu including the Internet and fix internet connectivity option is missing, the maximum connection optimize internet explorer, Fix run time error dialogs are Appearing in Internet Explorer when surfing. On the menu features the Windows Media Windows Media Player does not start and an error message Appears "An internal application error has occurred" Reset Windows Media library fix library and sync issues.On the Tools menu system repair some of the features provided by the Enable Task Manager, enable the command prompt, enable the registry editor, enable MMC snap-ins, reset system restore to default, Repair windows defender. On additional menu fixes some existing features such as Enable hibernate, fix corrupted the desktop icon, Aero snap is not working and so forth.With the help of this software FixWin users will have easy to fix windows vista or windows 7 in case of error.
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