Internet singkatan dari International Networking. Internet adalah
kumpulan dari jaringan komputer yg ada di seluruh dunia. Dlm
hal ini komputer yg dahulunya stand alone dpt berhubungan
langsung dg host2atau komputer2yg lainnya.
<Internet stands for International Networking. Internet is
collection of existing computer networks around the world. WithinThis stand alone computer that used to be interchangeable in touchdg host2atau other direct komputer2yg>
Konsep Internet
Kegunaan Internet
1.Informasi yg didapatkan lebih cepat & murah
2.Mengurangi biaya kertas & pemasaran ("paperless environment")
3. Sebagai media promosi
4.Pengenalan, dan pemesanan produk
5.Komunikasi Interaktif
E-mail, dukungan pelanggan dengan WWW, Video Conferencing,
Internet Relay Chat(IRC), Internet Phone(VoIP = Voice Over Internet
6.Sebagai alat penelitian dan pembangunan (Research and Development)
7.Pertukaran data (informasi)
Sejarah Internet
1. Internet diciptakan tahun 1970 oleh Departeman Pertahanan
AS. Organisasi dlm Departemen Keamanan yg mulai bekerja
pd internet adalah Defence Advanced Research Projects
Agency(DARPA). Asal nama jaringan yg mereka buat
adalah ARPAnet.
2. Tahun 1975 DARPA meng-upgrade status ARPAnet dari
jaringan percobaan menjadi beroperasional penuh.
Beberapa protokol TCP/IP telah digunakan tetapi belum
dikembangkan secara utuh.
3.Tahun 1983 Protokol telah dijadikan pendukung ARPAnet.
Seluruh sistem terhubung ke jaringan hrs menggunakan
protokol yg menyesuaikan diri ke TCP/IP standar.
4.Dlm waktu yg sama ARPAnet telah terpisah menjadi 2
bagian (MILnet). Istilah internet pertama kali digunakan
untuk menjelaskan jaringan yg dibuat oleh 2 jaringan kecil.
5.Organisasi yg sudah mengadopsi protokol TCP/IP mulai
menghubungkan jaringan mereka ke internet baru.
Memulai Internet
Utk menggunakan Internet diperlukan 1 komputer, modem &
line telepon, yg hrs didaftarkan ke Internet Service Provider
(ISP), utk mendapatkan username & passwordagar dpt masuk
ke server yg ada di Internet Service Provider (ISP)&
mengakses internet.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) adalah perusahaan yg
menyediakan layanan ke Internet atau biasa disebut sbg pintu
gerbang ke Internet (internet gateway).
Bisa juga langsung tanpa mendaftarkan diri dg menggunakan
Telkomnet (nomor akses 080989999).
Jenis layanan yg diberikan oleh Internet Service Provider (ISP):
a. E-mail (Electronic Mail)
E-mailmrpkn alat komunikasi yg paling murah & cepat. Dg e-
mailkita dpt berhubungan dg siapa saja yg terhubung ke
Internet di seluruh dunia dg biaya panggilan lokal (apabila kita
menggunakan line telepon atau ISDN).
Konsep e-mailadalah spt kita mengirim surat dg pos biasa,
dimana kita mengirimkan ke kantor pos dg menuliskan alamat
yg kita tuju.
Dari kantor pos tsb akan disampaikan ke kantor pos yg terdekat
dg alamat yg dituju & akhirnya sampai ke alamat tsb. Penerima
hanya membuka kotak posnya saja yg ada di depan rumah.
Di sini si pengirim tidak tahu apakah si orang yang dituju tsb
sudah menerima surat tsb, sampai surat itu dibalas.
Dg e-mail,data (berbentuk file2program, gambar, grafik, dsb)
dikirim secara elektronik shg sampai di tujuan dg sangat cepat.
E-mail dpt dikirim ke lebih dari 1 orang sekaligus dlm satu saat.
Gambar 10.1. Electronic Mail(E-mail)
b.World Wide Web (WWW)
Aplikasi ini kadang disebut "The Killer Application" atau "the
world is at your fingertip" karena kita bisa mendapatkan
informasi dg mudah, bukan sekedar teks bahkan gambar
(images), maupun multimedia.
Dlm aplikasi ini banyak kemudahan yg dpt dilakukan seperti :
• Memesan atau membeli suatu barang secara online
• Mendaftar secara online
• Multimedia
• Dll
Informasi yang diletakkan di WWW disebut "HomePage" &
setiap homepage mempunyai alamatnya masing2.
Utk dpt menarik perhatian pengguna shg homepage dpt sering
dikunjungi, maka kita hrs buat semenarik mungkin & banyak tdpt
informasi yg jelas.
Aplikasi browser yg paling sering digunakan saat ini di dunia
adalah Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mosaic,dll.
Setiap WWW mempunyai alamat internet atau "Uniform
Resource Locator" (URL) yang diawali dengan http://
Gambar 10.2.
c. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) adalah salah satu aplikasi di
Internet untuk mengambil (download) dan meletakkan (upload)
suatu file di FTP server.
Dengan hal ini kita dapat bertukar file dengan cepat. Pada saat
ini banyak program atau software yang bebas untuk di download
dari manapun di Internet.
Biasanya perintah internet yang digunakan untuk ftp adalah ftp://
Gambar 10.3. Perintah File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
d. News Group
News Group adalah forum perbincangan, atau boleh
dibayangkan sbg suatu tempat dimana tdpt ruangan2
perbincangan yg unik, & tiap ruangan mempunyai topik
perbincangan yg berbeda2.
Di setiap ruangan itu biasanya trdpt lebih dari satu orang yg
saling bertukar pendapat atau pikiran.
Jadi kita memberikan pendapat kita ke semua orang yg ada di
ruangan tsb.
News Group juga dianggap seperti "Bulletin Board" yg ada di
sekolah atau kantor, dimana setiap orang boleh meletakkan
artikel2atau pendapat2nya & boleh dilihat serta dibaca oleh
semua orang.
Dg aplikasi News Group artikel atau surat yg kita kirim dpt dg
cepat terletak di "group" yg inginkan.
Gambar 10.4. Yahoo Groups
Telnet dpt menghubungkan komputer yg terletak jauh dari
komputer kita. Jadi yg dilihat di monitor komputer adalah isi dari
komputer yg kita hubungkan tsb. Ini sering juga disebut "Remote
Login".Hal2yg dpt dilakukan dg Telnet :
- Mencari katalog perpustakaan, kampus, dsb
- Mencapai database
- Mencapai Buletin Board Organisasi Pemerintahan.
Utk menggunakan Telnet kita hrs mempunyai "IP address"atau
"domain name", dan juga kita hrs mempunyai hak utk mencapai
yaitu dg "login name" & "password".
Gambar 10.5. Perintah Telnet
f. Gopher
Gopher adalah aplikasi yang dapat mencari informasi yang ada
di Internet, tetapi hanya "text base" saja, atau berdasarkan teks.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi melalui Gopher, kita harus
menghubungkan diri dengan Gopher server yang ada di Internet.
Gambar 10.6. Search Engine Gopher
g. Chat
Chat adalah program aplikasi Internet yang membolehkan kita
berbicara secara langsung ("on-line") dengan lawan bicara kita.
Program aplikasi ini biasa disebut IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
Disini kita berbicara melalui tombol keyboard komputer dan kita
juga harus mengadakan hubungan dengan IRC server
Gambar 10.7. IRC Chatmenggunakan MIRC
h. Ping
Ping adalah singkatan dari Packet Internet Gopher.
Fungsi dari Ping adalah utk melihat apakah ada hubungan
antara komputer yg satu dg yg lainnya dg cara mengirimkan
sejumlah packet data.
Internet stands for International Networking. Internet iscollection of existing computer networks around the world. WithinThis stand alone computer that used to be interchangeable in touchdg host2atau other direct komputer2yg.The concept of InternetUsefulness of the Internet1.Informasi what they are faster and cheaper2.Mengurangi paper & marketing expenses ("paperless environment")3. As a media campaign4.Pengenalan, and ordering productsInteractive 5.KomunikasiE-mail, customer support with the WWW, Video Conferencing,Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Internet Phone (VoIP = Voice Over InternetProtocol)6.Sebagai research tools and development (Research and Development)7.Pertukaran data (information)
History of InternetA. Internet was created in 1970 by the Department of DefenseU.S.. Department of Homeland Security within the organization who started workingpd internet is a Defence Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (DARPA). Origin of the name of the network that they may makeis the ARPAnet.2. DARPA in 1975 to upgrade the status of the ARPAnettrial network becomes fully operational.Some TCP / IP has been used but not yetdeveloped.3.Tahun 1983 supporting the Protocol has been used as ARPAnet.The whole system is connected to the network hrs usingwhich conform to the protocol TCP / IP standard.4.Dlm same time ARPAnet was split into twosection (MILNET). The term was first used internetto explain the network which is made by two small networks.5.Organisasi who has adopted TCP / IP startedconnect their networks to the new internet.Starting InternetInternet is required to use a computer, modem &telephone line, which is registered hrs to an Internet Service Provider(ISP), to get a username & passwordagar dpt entryto servers that are on the Internet Service Provider (ISP) andaccess the Internet.Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company thatprovide services to the Internet or usually called as the doorgateway to the Internet (internet gateway).Can also enroll directly without using the dgTelkomnet (access number 080 989 999).Type of service given by your Internet Service Provider (ISP):a. E-mail (Electronic Mail)E-mailmrpkn the most inexpensive means of communication & quick. Dg e-mailkita dpt are associated with anyone who is connected to theInternet around the world dg local call cost (if weusing a telephone line or ISDN).Mailadalah concepts such as e-mail we send regular postal dg,where we are sending to the post office address to write dgwho we are headed.From the post office they will be delivered to the nearest post office whichdg reply destination address and they will eventually get to the address. Receiverit just opens his box that was in front of the house.Here, the sender does not know whether the person intended tsbhad received a letter they will be, until the letter was returned.Dg e-mail, data (shaped file2program, images, graphics, etc.)SHG sent electronically to the destination stories very quickly.E-mail interchangeable sent to more than 1 person at a time in one moment.Figure 10.1. Electronic Mail (E-mail)b.World Wide Web (WWW)These applications are sometimes called "The Killer Application" or "theworld is at your fingertip "because we can getdg information easier, not just text and even images(Images), and multimedia.Within this application do a lot of conveniences such as interchangeable:• Order or buy an item online• Sign up online• Multimedia• Etc.The information placed on the WWW called "HomePage" &each has its address masing2 homepage.Interchangeable for the user's attention is often interchangeable SHG homepagevisited, then we may hrs make it interesting and a lot tdptthe explicitly stated information.Application of the most commonly used browser today in the worldis Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mosaic, etc..Each has a WWW Internet address or the "UniformResource Locator "(URL) that begins with http://Figure 10.2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one application inInternet to retrieve (download) and put (upload)a file on the FTP server.With this we can exchange files quickly. At the time ofMany programs or software that is free to downloadfrom anywhere on the Internet.Internet orders are typically used for ftp is ftp://Figure 10.3. Command File Transfer Protocol (FTP)d. News GroupNews Group is a forum for discussion, or mayenvisioned as a place where tdpt ruangan2conversation is unique, and each room has a topicwho talks berbeda2.In each room is usually trdpt more than one person whoexchange opinions or thoughts.So we give our opinion to all the people that are onTSB room.News Group is also regarded as "Bulletin Board" which is inschool or office, where everyone can putartikel2atau pendapat2nya & should be seen and read byeveryone.Application Dg News Group article or letter that we send interchangeable dgquickly located in the "group" who want it.Figure 10.4. Yahoo Groupse.TelnetTelnet to connect a computer that dpt is located away fromour computer. So who viewed on a computer monitor is the content ofcomputer that you connect the TSB. This is often called "RemoteLogin ". Hal2yg interchangeable done dg Telnet:- Search for library catalogs, campus, etc.- Achieve a database- Achieving Bulletin Board Government Organization.To use Telnet hrs we have "IP address" or"Domain name", and we also have the right to reach hrsnamely dg "login name" & "password".Figure 10.5. Telnet commandf. GopherGopher is an application that can search for existing informationon the Internet, but only the "base text" only, or by text.To obtain information via Gopher, we mustconnect to the Gopher server on the Internet.Figure 10.6. Search Engine Gopherg. ChatChat is a program that allows Internet applications wespeaking directly ("on-line") with the other person.This application program is called IRC (Internet Relay Chat).Here we talk through the computer keyboard, and wealso have to make contact with the IRC serverFigure 10.7. MIRC IRC Chatmenggunakanh. PingPing stands for Packet Internet Gopher.Function of Ping is to see if there is a relationshipbetween a computer that other one who dg dg sendingnumber of packet data.
History of InternetA. Internet was created in 1970 by the Department of DefenseU.S.. Department of Homeland Security within the organization who started workingpd internet is a Defence Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (DARPA). Origin of the name of the network that they may makeis the ARPAnet.2. DARPA in 1975 to upgrade the status of the ARPAnettrial network becomes fully operational.Some TCP / IP has been used but not yetdeveloped.3.Tahun 1983 supporting the Protocol has been used as ARPAnet.The whole system is connected to the network hrs usingwhich conform to the protocol TCP / IP standard.4.Dlm same time ARPAnet was split into twosection (MILNET). The term was first used internetto explain the network which is made by two small networks.5.Organisasi who has adopted TCP / IP startedconnect their networks to the new internet.Starting InternetInternet is required to use a computer, modem &telephone line, which is registered hrs to an Internet Service Provider(ISP), to get a username & passwordagar dpt entryto servers that are on the Internet Service Provider (ISP) andaccess the Internet.Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company thatprovide services to the Internet or usually called as the doorgateway to the Internet (internet gateway).Can also enroll directly without using the dgTelkomnet (access number 080 989 999).Type of service given by your Internet Service Provider (ISP):a. E-mail (Electronic Mail)E-mailmrpkn the most inexpensive means of communication & quick. Dg e-mailkita dpt are associated with anyone who is connected to theInternet around the world dg local call cost (if weusing a telephone line or ISDN).Mailadalah concepts such as e-mail we send regular postal dg,where we are sending to the post office address to write dgwho we are headed.From the post office they will be delivered to the nearest post office whichdg reply destination address and they will eventually get to the address. Receiverit just opens his box that was in front of the house.Here, the sender does not know whether the person intended tsbhad received a letter they will be, until the letter was returned.Dg e-mail, data (shaped file2program, images, graphics, etc.)SHG sent electronically to the destination stories very quickly.E-mail interchangeable sent to more than 1 person at a time in one moment.Figure 10.1. Electronic Mail (E-mail)b.World Wide Web (WWW)These applications are sometimes called "The Killer Application" or "theworld is at your fingertip "because we can getdg information easier, not just text and even images(Images), and multimedia.Within this application do a lot of conveniences such as interchangeable:• Order or buy an item online• Sign up online• Multimedia• Etc.The information placed on the WWW called "HomePage" &each has its address masing2 homepage.Interchangeable for the user's attention is often interchangeable SHG homepagevisited, then we may hrs make it interesting and a lot tdptthe explicitly stated information.Application of the most commonly used browser today in the worldis Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mosaic, etc..Each has a WWW Internet address or the "UniformResource Locator "(URL) that begins with http://Figure 10.2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one application inInternet to retrieve (download) and put (upload)a file on the FTP server.With this we can exchange files quickly. At the time ofMany programs or software that is free to downloadfrom anywhere on the Internet.Internet orders are typically used for ftp is ftp://Figure 10.3. Command File Transfer Protocol (FTP)d. News GroupNews Group is a forum for discussion, or mayenvisioned as a place where tdpt ruangan2conversation is unique, and each room has a topicwho talks berbeda2.In each room is usually trdpt more than one person whoexchange opinions or thoughts.So we give our opinion to all the people that are onTSB room.News Group is also regarded as "Bulletin Board" which is inschool or office, where everyone can putartikel2atau pendapat2nya & should be seen and read byeveryone.Application Dg News Group article or letter that we send interchangeable dgquickly located in the "group" who want it.Figure 10.4. Yahoo Groupse.TelnetTelnet to connect a computer that dpt is located away fromour computer. So who viewed on a computer monitor is the content ofcomputer that you connect the TSB. This is often called "RemoteLogin ". Hal2yg interchangeable done dg Telnet:- Search for library catalogs, campus, etc.- Achieve a database- Achieving Bulletin Board Government Organization.To use Telnet hrs we have "IP address" or"Domain name", and we also have the right to reach hrsnamely dg "login name" & "password".Figure 10.5. Telnet commandf. GopherGopher is an application that can search for existing informationon the Internet, but only the "base text" only, or by text.To obtain information via Gopher, we mustconnect to the Gopher server on the Internet.Figure 10.6. Search Engine Gopherg. ChatChat is a program that allows Internet applications wespeaking directly ("on-line") with the other person.This application program is called IRC (Internet Relay Chat).Here we talk through the computer keyboard, and wealso have to make contact with the IRC serverFigure 10.7. MIRC IRC Chatmenggunakanh. PingPing stands for Packet Internet Gopher.Function of Ping is to see if there is a relationshipbetween a computer that other one who dg dg sendingnumber of packet data.