
Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Mengganti Background Blog Dengan Foto Atau Gambar Sendiri

    Seperti pada perancang template yang di sediakan oleh team blogger, sebuah pilihan untuk background tampilan blog bisa di isi dengan gambar atau foto yang sudah di sediakan oleh perancang template ataupun malah menghilangkannya. Tetapi bagi yang suka dan ingin mengganti tampilan blognya menjadi lebih bagus sesuai dengan kenginan kita sendiri, anda bisa merubah nya dengan menyisipkan gambar atau foto dari hasil kita sendiri.
<As the designer template provided by the team of bloggers, the blog display option for the background can be filled with drawings or photographs have been provided by the template designer, or even eliminate them. But for those who like and want to change the look of her blog to be a better fit with our own Desire, you can change it by inserting a picture or photograph of our own results>

    Salah satu contoh hasil sisipan foto atau gambar yang di jadikan background blog, anda bisa melihat nya di SINI. Bagaimana anda bisa mengunggah hasil gambar anda menjadi tampilan blog tentu ada beberapa langkah.
  • Siapkan sebuah hasil gambar yang berukuran lebar kurang lebih 1000pxel dan tinggi 900pxel. ini bisa di edit di potoshop. karna biasanya ukuran blog berkisar 1000 ke atas dan tinggi sampai tak terhingga.
  • Unggah hasil gambar tadi ke situs penyedia penyimpan alamat gambar, ada beberapa alamat yang bisa anda gunakan. tetapi anda juga bisa menyimpan gambar tadi ke alamat blog anda sendiri dengan cara mengupload ke entri dan ambil alamat gambarnya dari sana. Saya menyarankan buat satu blog khusus buat pengunggah gambar gambar yang ingin anda simpan. caranya ketika gambar tadi sudah bisa di tampilkan di entri, klik kanan dan kopi alamat gambar / salin lokasi gambar
Setelah anda sudah menyiapkan alamat gambar tersebut langkah selanjutnya kita menuju ke blogger
  • Login
  • Rancangan
  • Edit HTML 
  • Setelah anda berada di halaman edit HTML cari kode seperti ini
mudah mudahan ada di barcode punya anda, karena tiap blog pasti berbeda isinya
body {
  text-align: center;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0 0 15px 0;
  font-family: trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
  background: #002 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOf_FXrs49_IPOT2nyKbI_YHqWx1YLQBy0FTTNMdZxQBCRFbmFg21dKIR8DJUyI-crHdTYgsPx0pE223df-i6t81EaSQkQhe_NrjlzakE0PoFVYVD2oXtEbuZ-aWg2dSvADOSs4D7sJKM/s1000/equalizer+okey+hitam+putih.png) top center no-repeat;


As the designer template provided by the team of bloggers, the blog display option for the background can be filled with drawings or photographs have been provided by the template designer, or even eliminate them. But for those who like and want to change the look of her blog to be a better fit with our own Desire, you can change it by inserting a picture or photograph of our own results.
One example of the insertion image or make the background image on the blog, you can see it HERE. How you can upload your pictures to the blog of course there are a few steps.Prepare a result of the image width and height of approximately 1000pxel 900pxel. This can be edited in potoshop. because usually the size range from 1000 to the blog and the high-up to infinity.Upload the images to the site before storage provider address image, there are some addresses you can use. but you can also save the images had to address your own blog by uploading to the entry and take pictures of the address there. I suggest create a blog specifically for the image uploader image you want to save. way when the picture had been able to be displayed in the entry, right click the image addresses, and coffee / copy the image locationOnce you've set up these images address our next steps toward the bloggerLoginPlanEdit HTMLOnce you are in the edit page HTML code look like thishopefully you got there in the barcode, each blog is different because itbody {
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 0 15px 0;
font-family: trebuchet ms, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
background: # 002 top center no-repeat;
}Replace the url address that was yellow with the address of your last upload.if this way does not work, please caricara postng other as in the other senior bloggers.hopefully help.

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