Apa itu ,,,,,???? Disini jawabanya,,,!!
Sebelum membicarakan tentang terlebih dahulu diinformasikan bahwa alat pembayaran komisi hanya melalui chek. Berkaitan dengan, ia adalah suatu program Paid to Click (PTC) yaitu klik link, lihat website dan dibayar dollar. Mudahkan? very easy to make money. Memang banyak program PTC seperti ini namun ada yang scam (menipu atau tidak membayar) dan ada pula yang betul membayar kepada pengklik iklannya. Salah satu program yang direkomendasikan disini adalah
<What is,,,,,?? Here the answer,,,!!Before talking about informed beforehand that the commission payment only through check. In connection with, it is a program Paid to Click (PTC) is click the link, see the website and paid the dollar. Make it easy? very easy to make money. PTC program is a lot like this but there is a scam (scamming or not pay) and some are really paying for clicking ads. One program recommended here is>
Bagaimana Mendapatkan Dollar/Uang Mudah di
Anda cukup melihat website-website yang telah disediakan di member area anda selama 30 detik. Setelah 30 detik berlalu anda dibayar satu linknya sebanyak $0.01 atau anggap saja sebanyak Rp. 90,-. Link iklan yang dikirimkan ke member area anda memang tidak merata bahkan terkadang hanya satu link. Namun berbeda apabila anda meng-upgrade free member anda menjadi premium member. Dengan mengeluarkan uang sebesar $ 10 anda akan mendapatkan link yang mencapai hampir 200-an bahkan bisa lebih.
Sebagai contoh bagi anda yang telah upgrade. Misalnya seperti berikut ini : Anda mengklik 200 link iklan setiap hari = 200 x Rp. 90 = Rp. 18.000,- Penghasilan anda satu bulan 30 x Rp. 18.000 = Rp. 540.000,-
Lumayan bukan? Penghasilan ini semakin bertambah apabila anda mendapatkan referral. Bahkan apabila referral anda juga meng-upgrade pendapatan anda menjadi lebih besar.
Bagaimana bergabung
Ada beberapa langkah sederhana yang mesti anda tempuh untuk menjadi member di, yaitu Account detail, User Profile, Verify E-mail dan Done. Langkah-langkah pendaftaran tersebut diuraikan sebagai berikut :
1. Buka website
2. First Name : nama depan anda
3. Last Name : nama belakang anda
4. Address : alamat lengkap anda. Mengapa harus lengkap karena chek akan dikirimkan ke alamat ini. Anda tidak mau khan cheknya nyasar
5. City : kota anda
6. Country : Indonesia
7. ZIP Postel/Code : kode pos kota anda
8. Telephone : gunakan format +62…..
9. E-mail : e-mail aktif anda
10. Confirm E-mail : masukkan lagi e-mail yang baru anda tulis sebelumnya
11. Date of Birth : isi pada kolom yang disediakan tentang bulan, tanggal dan tahun kelahiran anda
12. Payable to : isi nama lengkap sesuai KTP.
13. Username : tulis ID anda baik terdiri dari huruf, angka atau gabungan dari keduanya. ID ini akan digunakan setiap kali anda login.
14. Password : tulis password anda baik terdiri dari huruf, angka atau gabungan dari keduanya. password ini akan digunakan setiap kali anda login.
15. Confirm Password : masukkan kembali password yang baru anda buat
16. Security Question : buat pertanyaan menurut bahasa anda, dan pertanyaan ini jangan sampai lupa, suatu saat digunakan.
17. Security Answer : jawab pertanyaan anda itu
18. Promotional Code : kosongkan saja
19. Turing Number : isi angka-angka sesuai dengan yang tertera pada samping kanan kotak isian
20. User Agreement : klik aja pada kotak isian di belakang “I have read and agree to the…”
21. Klik Continue. Apabila berhasil berarti pendaftaran anda tahap pertama sudah selesai.
Kemudian anda melanjutkan pada tahap selanjutnya User Profile, Verify E-mail dan Done. Di sini tidak dijelaskan hal-hal tersebut, sebab saya yakin anda pasti bisa karena kotak-kotak isian tersebut sangat mudah dipahami. Secara umum pada bagian User Profile, anda hanya mengisi pendapatan anda pertahun, pendidikan anda, jenis kelamin anda, status perkawinan anda, punya anak berapa dan berapa usia anak-anak anda, apakah anda punya binatang kesayangan, jawab aja punya karena orang-orang di sana biasanya rata-rata punya binatang kesayangan. Hal yang perlu diingat berkaitan dengan kategori iklan-iklan yang inginkan, centang aja semuanya. Sementara berkaitan dengan Verify E-mail, anda hanya memverifikasi e-mail anda dan sedangkan Done berarti langkah-langkah pendaftaran anda udah selesai semuanya tinggal upgrade ke member premium aja lagi, itu pun kalau anda mau.
Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya 1. Silakan klik link untuk login di e-mail anda atau anda buka langsung website 2. Klik menu LOGIN yang ada di atas halaman muka website ini 3. Masukkan Username dan Password anda. 4. Masukkan turing number sesuai dengan angka-angka yang ditampilkan. Selanjutnya anda memasuki member area anda. 5. Klik Get Paid to Browse Ads, letaknya di sebelah kiri ketika anda menghadap monitor. Setelah anda mengklik terbukalah halaman baru dan lihat ke bawah menggunakan kursur anda 6. Klik link-link tersebut. Waktu yang dibutuhkan setelah link-link tersebut selama 30 detik. Anda bisa melihat hitungan mundur dari 30 sampai 1. Setelah itu muncul perintah “close this window”.
Klik aja pada kalimat itu, $0.01 telah anda dapatkan. Selanjutnya klik link-link yang lainnya dan begitulah seterusnya dan seterusnya yang anda lakukan. Apakah anda bosan kerja sampingan seperti ini?.Saya yakin anda tidak bosan kalau melihat uang mudah yang mudah pula anda kumpulkan. Selain itu sambil ngerjain ini kerja, anda juga bisa klik link-link PTC anda yang lain.
Bagaimana Melihat Komisi atau Bayaran yang Diperoleh Untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak penghasilan anda silakan kembali login ke member area anda atau apabila ketika itu anda masih di member area, klik My Account. Terbukalah jumlah penghasilan anda.
Bagaimana Menarik Komisi Komisi anda secara otomatis dikirimkan oleh ke alamat anda apabila telah mencapai jumlah payment yang anda telah ada tentukan sebelumnya.
Bagaimana Meng-Upgrade Member anda Uang yang anda perlukan untuk upgrade ke member premium hanya 10 dollar saja atau apabila dirupiahkan anggap saja Rp. 85.000,- untuk satu tahun. Murahkan kan..? ya murah. Satu bulan anda kerja uang tersebut sudah kembali. Persoalannya hanyalah upgrade ini hanya menggunakan kartu kredit, baik berbentuk visa, master card dan lainnya. Bagi yang tidak punya kartu kredit ini, salah satunya seperti saya, ya akan terus-terusan jadi free member. Oleh karena itu siapa tahu apabila di antara sahabat-sahabat yang kebetulan nyasar ke blog ini bisa memberikan info terpercaya tentang penyedia jasa khusus upgrade-upgrade-tan ini.
Bagi anda yang telah memiliki kartu kredit tersebut, silakan klik tombol upgrade letaknya di sisi kiri ketika anda menghadap monitor. Selanjutnya keluar halaman baru yang perlu anda isi.
What is,,,,,?? Here the answer,,,!!Before talking about informed beforehand that the commission payment only through check. In connection with, it is a program Paid to Click (PTC) is click the link, see the website and paid the dollar. Make it easy? very easy to make money. PTC program is a lot like this but there is a scam (scamming or not pay) and some are really paying for clicking ads. One program recommended here is to Get Dollar / Money Easy in ClixSense.comYou just look at websites that have been provided in the members area for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds passed a link you get paid as much as $ 0.01, or think of it as much as Rp. 90, -. Ad link that is sent to the members area is uneven and sometimes even just one link. However, in contrast to when you upgrade a free member you become a premium member. With spending of $ 10 you'll get a link that reaches nearly 200-an even more.As an example for those of you who have upgraded. For example like this: You click 200 ads per day = link 200 x Rp. 90 = Rp. 18,000, - Your income one month 30 x Rp. 18 000 = Rp. 540 000, -Pretty is not it? Income is increasing rapidly if you get a referral. Even if the referral you also upgrade your income is greater.How to join ClixSense.comThere are some simple steps you must take to become a member on, the Account detail, User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Registration steps are outlined as follows:A. Open website ClixSense.com2. First Name: your first name3. Last Name: Your last name4. Address: your full address. Why must complete as a check will be sent to this address. You do not want to stray cheknya khan5. City: your city6. Country: Indonesia7. Postel ZIP / Code: Your zip code city8. Telephone: use the format +62 .....9. E-mail: e-mail your active10. Confirm E-mail: insert a new e-mail you wrote earlier11. Date of Birth: Fill in the space provided on the month, date and year of your birth12. Payable to: fill a full name based on ID.13. Username: write your ID either consists of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This ID will be used each time you login.14. Password: enter your password either consist of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This password will be used each time you login.15. Confirm Password: re-enter the new password you created16. Security Question: create questions in your language, and the question is not to forget, one time use.17. Security Answer: Your question is answered18. Promotional Code: blank19. Turing Number: fill in the figures correspond to those indicated on the right side of the stuffing box20. User Agreement: just click on the text box in the back "I have read and agree to the ..."21. Click Continue. If successful means that your registration is complete the first stage.Then you proceed to the next stage of User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Described here are not those things, because I am sure you can for stuffing boxes are very easy to understand. In general, in the User Profile, you just fill in your annual income, your education, your sex, your marital status, have children how many and how old your children, if you have pets, wrote a responsibility for people in on average there is usually a pet. Things to remember related to the category of ads that want it, wrote it all tick. With regard to Verify E-mail, you just verify your e-mail and while Done means the steps you've completed registration of all live upgrade to a premium member wrote again, that's if you want.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWHow It Works 1. Please click the link to e-mail log in you or you go directly website 2. Click the LOGIN menu at the top of this website home page 3. Enter your username and password. 4. Enter the turing number according to the figures shown. Next, you enter the members area. 5. Click Get Paid to Browse Ads, located on the left as you face the monitor. After you click on it opens a new page and look down to use your kursur 6. Click on these links. The time needed after those links for 30 seconds. You can see a countdown from 30 to 1. After that comes the "close this window".Just click on that line, you've got $ 0.01. Then click the other links and so on and so forth so that you do. Are you tired of a side job like this?. I'm sure you do not get bored if you see the easier it is easy money you collect. In addition while this ngerjain work, you also can click on the links you to another PTC.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWSeeing how the commission or fee Learned To find out how much income you please re-login into your members area or if when you were still in the member area, click My Account. Be open amount of your income.How to Attract Your commission Commission by automatically sent to your address if they have already reached the amount of any payment that you have specified earlier.How to Upgrade Member Why you money that you need to upgrade to a premium member just 10 dollars only, or if dirupiahkan let's just Rp. 85.000, - for one year.Murahkan right ..? ya cheap. One month of work you have returned the money.The problem is this upgrade only using a credit card, either in the form visa, master card and others. For those who do not have a credit card, one of them like me, will ya be kept free member. Therefore, if anyone knows of friends who happen to stray into this blog can provide reliable information about special services provider upgrades, this tan.For those of you who already have a credit card, please click the upgrade button located on the left side when you are facing the monitor. Further out the new page you need to fill.
What is,,,,,?? Here the answer,,,!!Before talking about informed beforehand that the commission payment only through check. In connection with, it is a program Paid to Click (PTC) is click the link, see the website and paid the dollar. Make it easy? very easy to make money. PTC program is a lot like this but there is a scam (scamming or not pay) and some are really paying for clicking ads. One program recommended here is to Get Dollar / Money Easy in ClixSense.comYou just look at websites that have been provided in the members area for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds passed a link you get paid as much as $ 0.01, or think of it as much as Rp. 90, -. Ad link that is sent to the members area is uneven and sometimes even just one link. However, in contrast to when you upgrade a free member you become a premium member. With spending of $ 10 you'll get a link that reaches nearly 200-an even more.As an example for those of you who have upgraded. For example like this: You click 200 ads per day = link 200 x Rp. 90 = Rp. 18,000, - Your income one month 30 x Rp. 18 000 = Rp. 540 000, -Pretty is not it? Income is increasing rapidly if you get a referral. Even if the referral you also upgrade your income is greater.How to join ClixSense.comThere are some simple steps you must take to become a member on, the Account detail, User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Registration steps are outlined as follows:A. Open website ClixSense.com2. First Name: your first name3. Last Name: Your last name4. Address: your full address. Why must complete as a check will be sent to this address. You do not want to stray cheknya khan5. City: your city6. Country: Indonesia7. Postel ZIP / Code: Your zip code city8. Telephone: use the format +62 .....9. E-mail: e-mail your active10. Confirm E-mail: insert a new e-mail you wrote earlier11. Date of Birth: Fill in the space provided on the month, date and year of your birth12. Payable to: fill a full name based on ID.13. Username: write your ID either consists of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This ID will be used each time you login.14. Password: enter your password either consist of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This password will be used each time you login.15. Confirm Password: re-enter the new password you created16. Security Question: create questions in your language, and the question is not to forget, one time use.17. Security Answer: Your question is answered18. Promotional Code: blank19. Turing Number: fill in the figures correspond to those indicated on the right side of the stuffing box20. User Agreement: just click on the text box in the back "I have read and agree to the ..."21. Click Continue. If successful means that your registration is complete the first stage.Then you proceed to the next stage of User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Described here are not those things, because I am sure you can for stuffing boxes are very easy to understand. In general, in the User Profile, you just fill in your annual income, your education, your sex, your marital status, have children how many and how old your children, if you have pets, wrote a responsibility for people in on average there is usually a pet. Things to remember related to the category of ads that want it, wrote it all tick. With regard to Verify E-mail, you just verify your e-mail and while Done means the steps you've completed registration of all live upgrade to a premium member wrote again, that's if you want.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWHow It Works 1. Please click the link to e-mail log in you or you go directly website 2. Click the LOGIN menu at the top of this website home page 3. Enter your username and password. 4. Enter the turing number according to the figures shown. Next, you enter the members area. 5. Click Get Paid to Browse Ads, located on the left as you face the monitor. After you click on it opens a new page and look down to use your kursur 6. Click on these links. The time needed after those links for 30 seconds. You can see a countdown from 30 to 1. After that comes the "close this window".Just click on that line, you've got $ 0.01. Then click the other links and so on and so forth so that you do. Are you tired of a side job like this?. I'm sure you do not get bored if you see the easier it is easy money you collect. In addition while this ngerjain work, you also can click on the links you to another PTC.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWSeeing how the commission or fee Learned To find out how much income you please re-login into your members area or if when you were still in the member area, click My Account. Be open amount of your income.How to Attract Your commission Commission by automatically sent to your address if they have already reached the amount of any payment that you have specified earlier.How to Upgrade Member Why you money that you need to upgrade to a premium member just 10 dollars only, or if dirupiahkan let's just Rp. 85.000, - for one year.Murahkan right ..? ya cheap. One month of work you have returned the money.The problem is this upgrade only using a credit card, either in the form visa, master card and others. For those who do not have a credit card, one of them like me, will ya be kept free member. Therefore, if anyone knows of friends who happen to stray into this blog can provide reliable information about special services provider upgrades, this tan.For those of you who already have a credit card, please click the upgrade button located on the left side when you are facing the monitor. Further out the new page you need to fill.
What is,,,,,?? Here the answer,,,!!Before talking about informed beforehand that the commission payment only through check. In connection with, it is a program Paid to Click (PTC) is click the link, see the website and paid the dollar. Make it easy? very easy to make money. PTC program is a lot like this but there is a scam (scamming or not pay) and some are really paying for clicking ads. One program recommended here is to Get Dollar / Money Easy in ClixSense.comYou just look at websites that have been provided in the members area for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds passed a link you get paid as much as $ 0.01, or think of it as much as Rp. 90, -. Ad link that is sent to the members area is uneven and sometimes even just one link. However, in contrast to when you upgrade a free member you become a premium member. With spending of $ 10 you'll get a link that reaches nearly 200-an even more.As an example for those of you who have upgraded. For example like this: You click 200 ads per day = link 200 x Rp. 90 = Rp. 18,000, - Your income one month 30 x Rp. 18 000 = Rp. 540 000, -Pretty is not it? Income is increasing rapidly if you get a referral. Even if the referral you also upgrade your income is greater.How to join ClixSense.comThere are some simple steps you must take to become a member on, the Account detail, User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Registration steps are outlined as follows:A. Open website ClixSense.com2. First Name: your first name3. Last Name: Your last name4. Address: your full address. Why must complete as a check will be sent to this address. You do not want to stray cheknya khan5. City: your city6. Country: Indonesia7. Postel ZIP / Code: Your zip code city8. Telephone: use the format +62 .....9. E-mail: e-mail your active10. Confirm E-mail: insert a new e-mail you wrote earlier11. Date of Birth: Fill in the space provided on the month, date and year of your birth12. Payable to: fill a full name based on ID.13. Username: write your ID either consists of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This ID will be used each time you login.14. Password: enter your password either consist of letters, numbers or a combination of both. This password will be used each time you login.15. Confirm Password: re-enter the new password you created16. Security Question: create questions in your language, and the question is not to forget, one time use.17. Security Answer: Your question is answered18. Promotional Code: blank19. Turing Number: fill in the figures correspond to those indicated on the right side of the stuffing box20. User Agreement: just click on the text box in the back "I have read and agree to the ..."21. Click Continue. If successful means that your registration is complete the first stage.Then you proceed to the next stage of User Profile, Verify E-mail and Done.Described here are not those things, because I am sure you can for stuffing boxes are very easy to understand. In general, in the User Profile, you just fill in your annual income, your education, your sex, your marital status, have children how many and how old your children, if you have pets, wrote a responsibility for people in on average there is usually a pet. Things to remember related to the category of ads that want it, wrote it all tick. With regard to Verify E-mail, you just verify your e-mail and while Done means the steps you've completed registration of all live upgrade to a premium member wrote again, that's if you want.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWHow It Works 1. Please click the link to e-mail log in you or you go directly website 2. Click the LOGIN menu at the top of this website home page 3. Enter your username and password. 4. Enter the turing number according to the figures shown. Next, you enter the members area. 5. Click Get Paid to Browse Ads, located on the left as you face the monitor. After you click on it opens a new page and look down to use your kursur 6. Click on these links. The time needed after those links for 30 seconds. You can see a countdown from 30 to 1. After that comes the "close this window".Just click on that line, you've got $ 0.01. Then click the other links and so on and so forth so that you do. Are you tired of a side job like this?. I'm sure you do not get bored if you see the easier it is easy money you collect. In addition while this ngerjain work, you also can click on the links you to another PTC.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED PLEASE SIGN UP NOWSeeing how the commission or fee Learned To find out how much income you please re-login into your members area or if when you were still in the member area, click My Account. Be open amount of your income.How to Attract Your commission Commission by automatically sent to your address if they have already reached the amount of any payment that you have specified earlier.How to Upgrade Member Why you money that you need to upgrade to a premium member just 10 dollars only, or if dirupiahkan let's just Rp. 85.000, - for one year.Murahkan right ..? ya cheap. One month of work you have returned the money.The problem is this upgrade only using a credit card, either in the form visa, master card and others. For those who do not have a credit card, one of them like me, will ya be kept free member. Therefore, if anyone knows of friends who happen to stray into this blog can provide reliable information about special services provider upgrades, this tan.For those of you who already have a credit card, please click the upgrade button located on the left side when you are facing the monitor. Further out the new page you need to fill.
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