
Sabtu, 21 April 2012


Sekilas arti e-gold 
Dalam setiap aktifitas e-bisnis, kita pasti membutuhkan suatu alat pembayaran digital dalam bertransaksi. Alat pembayaran digital ini disebut sebagai eCurrency yaitu alat pembayaran yang sah dan diterima secara umum di seluruh dunia, misalnya Credit Card. Namun pemakaian credit card melalui media internet masih banyak memunculkan masalah terutama tingkat keamanannya, apalagi Indonesia sekarang sudah dalam kondisi terblacklist oleh sebagian besar merchant-merchant internasional karena tingginya angka carding atau penyalah gunaannya di Indonesia. Sebagai alternatif untuk melakukan transaksi secara online di Internet kita dapat mempergunakan E-Gold.
<Glimpse of the meaning of e-gold
In every e-business activities, we would need a digital payment instruments in the transaction. Digital payment instrument is referred to as ecurrency is legal tender and generally accepted throughout the world, such as Credit Card. However, the use of credit cards through internet media raises many issues, especially the level of security, especially Indonesia is now in a condition terblacklist by most international merchants because of the high number of carding or abuse gunaannya in Indonesia. As an alternative to conduct online transactions on the Internet we can use E-Gold>

Apa dan Bagaimana?
E-gold adalah suatu alat pembayaran digital baru, dikeluarkan oleh e-gold Ltd., berkedudukan di Nevis , berlaku global, standar nilainya didasarkan pada 100% harga emas murni yang berlaku di pasar dunia, dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk rekening tabungan e-gold. E-gold adalah suatu mata uang seperti halnya rupiah dan dollars, bukan merupakan mata uang nasional suatu negara. Ini berarti tidak ada suatu negara yang mengeluarkan uang kertas ataupun logam dalam mata uang e-gold. Malahan setiap transaksi dilakukan secara elektronis melalui internet. Nilai transaksi adalah berdasarkan berat emas murni. Anda dapat merubah e-gold ke dalam bentuk mata uang lain (US Dollars, Pounds , Deutche Mark..... dan sebaliknya). E-gold sudah diakui oleh banyak merchant di seluruh dunia dalam melakukan transaksi on-line, dan sebagai media pembayaran yang sah. Selain itu dana anda di E-gold dapat ditarik melalui ATM khusus di semua mesin ATM berlogo Cirrus, Maestro, dan Mastercard. Anda dapat memanfaatkan rekening e-gold ini untuk menerima pembayaran, melakukan pembayaran, berinvestasi di HYIP. E-gold memiliki website yang dijamin keamanannya dengan secure server 128 bit SSL. Anda dapat membuka rekening tanpa dikenakan biaya seperti halnya bila anda membuka rekening di bank, setelah itu anda dapat memasukkan dana anda ke rekening e-gold dengan cara membeli e-gold, dan sebaliknya anda dapat mencairkan dana e-gold anda dengan cara menjualnya
Cara Membuka e-gold account
Klik disini untuk mendaftar di website e-gold 
Klik I agree setelah anda membaca user agreement Akan keluar form isian, anda hanya perlu mengisi yg dicetak tebal saja Isi Account Name (nantinya ini yang dapat dilihat oleh user e-gold lainnya, memudahkan mereka untuk mem-verifikasi Nomor Account anda waktu melakukan transfer misalnya) Contoh : Retro Account
Isi User Name (nantinya ini akan muncul di account history. Account Name dan User Name boleh anda buat sama untuk memudahkan anda mengingat) Contoh : Retro Account
Isi Point of Contact (Nama, Alamat, Kota, State, ZIP)
Isi alamat Email
Isi nomor Telepon
Isi Alternate Passphrase (password) (ini berguna jika nantinya anda lupa passphrase / password anda)
Isi Passphrase (password) 2 kali (harus gabungan huruf dan angka panjang minimal 6 karakter untuk keamanan)
Isi Turing Number sesuai dengan yang ditampilkan (turing number adalah nomor acak yang selalu berubah untuk menambah keamanan di website e-gold)
Klik Open
Nomor Account anda akan dikirim ke alamat email yang anda masukkan di atas Buka email dari e-gold dan catat Nomor Account anda (6 digit)
Cara mengakses account e-gold
Klik untuk masuk ke website e-gold 
Isi Account Number sesuai yang telah dikirim ke email anda
Isi Passphrase (password) anda (baiknya anda menggunakan Copy / Paste dari email anda, jangan menggunakan keyboard untuk menghindari adanya program-program pengintai, apalagi jika anda melakukan login dari public terminal, warnet misalnya)
Isi Turing Number sesuai dengan yang ditampilkan
Klik Login
Anda telah masuk ke e-gold account anda, menu yang disediakan adalah sbb.:
- Balance = untuk melihat saldo dana anda
- Spend = untuk mentransfer dana ke rekening e-gold lain
- History = untuk melihat perincian transaksi
- Account Info = untuk merubah profile dan passphrase/password
Pastikan anda selalu Logout setelah selesai mengakses e-gold account anda untuk keamanan !
Cara mengisi account egold 
Caranya adalah dengan membeli e-gold dari pedagang e-gold. Saat ini di Indonesia sudah ada beberapa pedagang e-gold dimana anda dapat membeli dan menjual/mencairkan dana dari rekening e-gold ke rekening bank anda. Setiap situs jual beli punya peraturan sendiri-sendiri. Jadi untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan membaca aturan pembelian atau penjualan e-gold di situs tersebut
Klik disini untuk jual beli e-gold di http://www.tukarduid.com/index.php?id=Taufik


Glimpse of the meaning of e-goldIn every e-business activities, we would need a digital payment instruments in the transaction. Digital payment instrument is referred to as ecurrency is legal tender and generally accepted throughout the world, such as Credit Card. However, the use of credit cards through internet media raises many issues, especially the level of security, especially Indonesia is now in a condition terblacklist by most international merchants because of the high number of carding or abuse gunaannya in Indonesia. As an alternative to conduct online transactions on the Internet we can use E-Gold.What and How?E-gold is a new digital payment instruments, issued by e-gold Ltd.., Based in Nevis, global policies, standards of value is based on 100% pure gold prices prevailing in world markets, and displayed in the form of e-gold savings account. E-gold is a currency such as dollars and dollars, not the national currency of a country. This means that there is no state to spend money on paper or metal in currency e-gold. In fact, every transaction is done electronically via the internet. The transaction value is based on the weight of pure gold. You can change your e-gold into the shape of another currency (U.S. Dollars, Pounds, Deutche Mark ..... and vice versa). E-gold has been recognized by many merchants around the world in conducting transactions on-line, and as a valid payment media. In addition to the funds in your E-gold can be drawn through a special ATM at any ATM machine bearing the Cirrus, Maestro, and Mastercard. You can use e-gold account to receive payments, make payments, investing in HYIP. E-gold has a website security guaranteed by 128 bit SSL secure server. You can open an account at no charge as well as when you open a bank account, after that you can put your money into e-gold account by buying e-gold, and conversely you can withdraw funds e-gold by selling itHow to open an e-gold accountClick here to register on the website e-goldClick I agree after you read the user agreement form will display, you only need to fill the bold course of Contents Account Name (this will be viewed by other users e-gold, enabling them to verify your account no time to transfer such ) Example: Retro AccountFill in User Name (this will appear in the account history. Account Name and User Name you created equal may make it easier to remember) Example: Retro AccountFill Point of Contact (Name, Address, City, State, ZIP)Fill in Email addressFill TelephoneFill Alternate Passphrase (password) (this is useful if you forget passphrase / password)Fill Passphrase (password) 2 times (must be a combination of letters and numbers at least 6 characters long for security)Fill Turing Number as displayed (turing number is a random number that is always changing to increase the security of e-gold)Click OpenYour account number will be sent to the email address you entered above Open the email from e-gold and record your Account Number (6 digits)How to access e-gold accountClick to go to e-gold websiteAccount Number as the contents of which have been sent to your emailFill Passphrase (password) you (you may need to use the Copy / Paste from your email, do not use the keyboard to avoid the surveillance programs, especially if you do log in from public terminals, internet cafe for example)Fill Turing Number as displayedClick LoginYou have entered the e-gold account, the menu provided is as follows.:- Balance = to view your fund balances- Spend = to transfer funds to other e-gold account- History = to see transaction- Account Info = to change profile and passphrase / passwordMake sure you always LOGOUT accessing your e-gold account for security!How to charge e-gold accountThe trick is to buy e-gold from e-gold merchant. Currently in Indonesia there have been several e-gold merchant where you can buy and sell / withdraw funds from e-gold account to your bank account. Each site had a sale and purchase of its own regulations.So for more details, please read the rules to buy or sell e-gold on the siteClick here to purchase e-gold in http://www.tukarduid.com/index.php?id=Taufik

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